
I think I’m obsessed

17 Mar 2024 // 17.03.2024


I’ve been procrastinating on my study work for a while now, but that’s justified because I hate 3DS Max :P

I’ve made a lot of progress, not in study work but in personal work! I’ve done the complete opposite of what I wanted to do and instead of continuing MDF, I’m sidetracked with another project! Buuuuut I’m having a lot of fun so it’s okay.

I feel awful for not putting my studies first, but I get so caught up in these ideas that they become pretty obsessive. Sometimes I’ll sit at my computers for hours non-stop and not realize that I haven’t ate or even had a sip of water. Yet, when I’m doing anything else, I get distracted constantly. I’m not sure what it is, maybe my mind just favors it because it’s like dopamine serotonin inducing or something but, I’m kinda glad my brain works this way.

Anyway, here’s a screenshot of a current project I’m working on as a part of my “Animation Bucketlist”. I won’t speak on it much but... her name is Mariya :)

Take care!


Avoiding social media + update

24 Feb 2024 // 24.02.2024


I recently made the odd decision to re-activate my twitter account, mostly to post stuff on it. The only problem is though, I don’t think I should’ve.

At a certain point in my life, I was practically glued to Twitter, spending my time endlessly scrolling through rage-bait, arguments where no one can admit they’re wrong, people straight up saying the worst things ever and an endless dumpster fire of politics (although that’s more of a trend on Threads now). It messed with my mental health as I became more anxious and just straight up sad most of the time. If there’s anything I’m thankful for, it’s that I never interacted with those tweets ever (and you should too).

But even in saying that, I just couldn’t get enough of it. Like, I hated it sure, but I just kept coming back for more. It was like this vicious addiction that never benefited me or my self-esteem.

Not too recently, I decided to remove all my social media apps (except youtube tho I need that) to try and give my brain some space. Now it’s been about a good month or so, and I’m happy to say that it has been the best decision I’ve ever made, and no excuse will make me go back.

Sure, at some point in time I’ll need to use it for stuff like this blog, but nothing more. To you reading this, I beg you to please take some time out of your life to get rid of those things. Even for just a few days, you will not regret it.

Anyway, here’s a little something I made. See ya!

Sleep Deprived Fanart featuring Apandah, Aztrosist, Mikasacus and JSchlatt

Fear of wasting time

16 Feb 2024 // 16.02.2024

Working on projects like MDF can be exhausting. Not physically speaking (I’m a fatass), but mentally. I forget just how fortunate I am to have all the equipment I need, yet I sit there, not knowing what to do next.

I’m not sure what it is. Maybe it IS my laziness, but I don’t really think that. I feel like it stems more from my fear. I don’t know what to call this fear, maybe something like,

“Fear of wasting time.”

It’s this fear that I have where I hold off doing something, no matter how much I care about it, because I feel as if it won’t be worth my time. Something down the line will mess up, maybe I’ll finish it and it won’t be well received or won’t change anything about my status or following.

Writing is something I struggle with so much, every movie I watch, every (few) novels I read, every series I binge makes my own expectations for my work reach new heights every time. If I release MDF, will the writing be any good? What even constitutes “good writing”? Where the hell do I even start? It’s these things that make me so fearful to continue these works, especially since half the time I keep convincing myself that I have no idea what I’m doing.

I want to get out of this bubble. To put it simply, I want to stop caring about these things as deeply as I do now. Eventually, through my experiences I’ll become better and better each time. The first won’t ever be the best and that’s something I need to wrap my head around.

If you somehow relate to this, please know that no one should stop you from pursuing a dream. I’m having to telling myself this too.

I will continue to try my hardest, maybe in the end, all I need better sleep. Who knows.

this is my first post

15 Feb 2024 // 15.02.2024

Hey what's up.

As of writing, this website is still in progress. I wanted to write this as a placeholder so the page looks somewhat full.

I was hoping to get this website finalised before end of my course term so I can at least fill the pages with something that might interest people. I haven't touched any form of coding in a while, so even my HTML n CSS is still a bit rusty. I'm probably going to add some gadgets and doodads for fun around the page too! so poke around.

Not sure what else to say but, hopefully this page can be the start of something great.